Admittedly, this was a conversation from a long time ago. So I did find out what Civ he played, and it was random. Just in case you all wanted to know about that.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: How was work, gorgeous?
Keren: I had a patient who needed a prescription, and so I went to talk to John, one of our doctors.

Panel 2 -
Keren: He was pretty tired because he was up late playing Civ 6. And so I asked him if he was going away for the long weekend. He and his wife had booked an airbnb, and that got us started talking about different ones we've been to, which led to a talk on how we went out East to visit Nikki and Steve.

Panel 3 -
Keren: And going out East reminded me about that one patient who gave me the DVD with video clips of all his moose hunts he's been on. And of course that led to another discussion of gifts patients leave us, but I do admit the DVD of moose hunts was the first. Usually, it's flowers.

Panel 4 -
Errol: So cool! Do you know what civ he plays in Civ 6?
Keren: That's what you got from this conversation?

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