Just to let you know, Mike did eventually see more action in the stream other than rabbit hunting. May have taken a few days, of course.

↓ Transcript
In the Discord voice channel.

Panel 1 -
Manpans: Okay! I'm ready to take on these rabbits!
Errol: You can do it, Manpans!

Panel 2 -
Manpans: Ahh! I missed.
Errol: Just keep trying, Manpans!

Panel 3 -
Manpans: What?! Why are they so fast?
Errol: They're rabbits.

Panel 4 -
Manpans: I ran out of stones?!
Errol: Yup. You need to find more.

Panel 5 -
Manpans: And as I look for stones, there are now three rabbits taunting me.
Errol: I'm sure that's on purpose.

Panel 1 -
Errol: To be honest, I let Ekko catch them.
Ekko: To be honest, I've caught so many you don't need to do it, Manpans.
Mike: Are you sure this is a horror survival game?

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