I thought to just hang out in bed, but I was still at work, so I couldn’t really hang out in bed all day.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol, throughout, is shivering) -
Errol: Etto! Ettoes! I drank the Peggles!
Ekko: I know. You just posted it in our family chat.

Panel 2 -
Errol: I put it in the fridge, because it said that would improve the taste. However, I downed two litres and I'm freezing!
Ekko: You're always cold, because you don't eat.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Sure, I drank it really fast, but why would it make it freeze me to the core? This is so weird!
Ekko: Just THIS is weird?

Panel 4 -
Errol: There was nothing in the warning labels about this! They lead me astray!!
Ekko: I predict this will be the last of your worries in a few minutes.

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