I just had my camera out too. But with all the bumping (and the cold) I didn’t want to risk losing it.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol and Keren riding in a dog sled) -
Offscreen: Let's go, Maya!
Errol: Which one is Maya?
Keren: The closest one on our right.
Other rider: すごい!

Panel 2 (Dog sled is moving) -
Offscreen: Come on, Maya!
Errol: Ah.
Keren: She's the lead dog.
Other rider: すごい!

Panel 3 -
Offscreen: Maya! Go!
Keren: She's the one that kissed me.
Other rider: すごい!

Panel 4 -
Offscreen: Pick it up, Maya!
Errol: And now she's runnin' and poopin'! Where's my camera!?
Keren: I'm glad you're having fun.
Other riders: すごい!

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