By the way, I’ve once again taken some creative liberties here. Manpans wasn’t around when this happened. So maybe she would have cared? And maybe she wouldn’t have. I’m hoping I would have been annoying enough that she wouldn’t have.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Showing the interface for Google Screening Call - time passed 00:05) -
(Said to caller): Hi, the person you're calling is using a screening service form Google and will get a copy of this conversation. Go ahead and say your name, and why you're calling.
Errol: Manpans! It's them again! And they'r enot answering!
Manpans (offscreen): That's great.

Panel 2 (Showing the interface for Google Screening Call - time passed 00:15) -
Caller replied: what
Errol: They responded, Manpans! They responded with a 'what'! That's a real word!!
Manpans: Uh hunh.

Panel 3 (Showing the interface for Google Screening Call - time passed 00:20) -
Caller replied: k
Errol: And now it's just a 'K'! Good thing I'm not a youth.

Panel 4 -
Errol: And now they've hung up Isn't this case most singular?!
Manpans: This isn't a real mystery!!

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