Eventually, I will end these arcs I start, mainly because they go on for so long I forget what happens and have to end it. I think I have some arcs that just end abruptly.

There were probably far more shenanigans that did occur, however, the children never keep logs of how I troll them. I really should get them to write this stuff down.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Well, it was a great vacation, but sadly, it's over.

Panel 2 -
Keren: I can't believe the week went by so fast.
Errol: I'm glad people didn't make me leave the cabin more than once!

Panel 3 -
Keren: Is everything packed?
Errol: Your skis are still out.

Panel 4 -
Keren: I hoped to get one last ski in.
Errol: We're all waiting in the car.

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