Comic #305 – “Diva”

MNE_20151115_305I’m at a point where I’m starting to not enjoy escape rooms if they suck. *laugh*

I now get annoyed in them. I was very annoyed in this room I did at Lost Canada. Here’s EGR’s review of the room I did.

I’m going to write a review which will focus my ire a bit more. I was not very pleased.

Comic #304 – “Weekend Time!”

MNE_20151114_304I’m getting behind on NaNoToons and NaNoWriMo. I hope I can get some work done this weekend.

I was feeling nostalgic at work today and began listening to NaNoMusical. That was fun! I then started listening to some stuff I made back in February. I guess it’s good I can still enjoy songs I wrote. There is stuff I wouldn’t touch at all now…

Comic #301 – “Comic Reading”

MNE_20151111_301Ekko is now sending me reminders on our conversations over email. Of course, I have to remind her to send me these reminders, but she has a better memory of how the conversation went.

And while we’re talking about webcomics, which other webcomics do you read? Feel free to link them and give them some sharing love!