Hallo! It’s me! MANDA! WRITING A BLURB! On top of leaving comics until the last minute, Errol has had to entrust me with actually posting the comics in a timely and professional fashion.
I’m not a big fan of internet posting. There are all sorts of confusing things. If this were MY blog, I would put the bare amount of effort in to get something posted. Not Errol. He needs things like columns and hover texts and colour palettes and the ability to publish to every single form of social media that is out there. There are directions which is helpful. But I have to put this comic into a chapter…what the heck is a chapter?
This…will be an interesting week…SO what would you to see for the next blurb?
I have my wall opened up so that everyone can see. I think Manpans should open up the privacy on her facebook wall so you can see the glorious display of asians.
Tonight is the book launch of “West of Bathurst” written by my good friend, Kari Maaren.
I bought myself the hard copy and it’s huge! And it’s put together very well and I so want to do one but I doubt I have as many readers as Kari to warrant the cost.
Kari’s awesome! Congratulations, Kari! You’re amazing!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MANPANS! It’s her birthday today! I probably should get her a present.
These comics are coming to you live, folks!
Well, ok, not really. But they’re fresh off the presses!
I mean, I schedule them, but this conversation just happened last night!
I’m not making sense. My brain is so mush…
It’s Manpans Birthday on Friday! HUZZAH! ^_^ I probably should get her something. Uh… what can I get her?
Usually, if it’s someone’s birthday, I ask Manpans what I should get the person.
If I remember it’s a birthday.
I’m awful at this.