Yes, I did just eat watermelon for dinner. However, I wasn’t really hungry for some reason. I think it’s because I’m pining for my wife.
And if you are wondering what live escape event I’m talking about, you can check out Canadian Caper!
Yes, I did just eat watermelon for dinner. However, I wasn’t really hungry for some reason. I think it’s because I’m pining for my wife.
And if you are wondering what live escape event I’m talking about, you can check out Canadian Caper!
I realized that Comic #171 was still in draft mode, and was not published. Blargh. It actually tied in with Comic #172 too. Ah well.
I’m alone this week. Sadness.
Back in the day, Zoe would always deny she didn’t watch “My Little Pony”. It was hilarious.
Oh, and something unrelated, I get a lot of spam on this comic. Fortunately the spam filter catches, but I’m really hoping that the amount of spam I’m getting is indicative in some way that this comic has more readers. All the spam should be good for SOMETHING. Dumb spam. ^_^
And happy July 4th to all our American friends! HUZZAH! They probably don’t say “Happy July 4th”. I just think Independence Day movie and don’t really know where to go from there.