What a full day we had yesterday! We also went with my cousin Memes. I need to make her a character.
She got Keren, Ekko and Zoe batman kigurumis (onesies). They were amazing!
Anyway, Ekko and Zoe had a large popcorn each. Good grief. And then afterwards we went for Korean food because I wanted to introduce Ekko to pork bone soup. Yummy! We went to a restaurant called Owl of Minerva, and each table has a call button to get a hold of a waiter! It was awesome!
BTW, sorry the comic was so late today. Had a huge headache last night, and then we slept in! I think I got almost ten hours of sleep. Wow!

I can’t remember anything anymore. I’m getting old.
And we are hopefully watching Star Wars today! ^_^

Merry Christmas all! Sorry, this is the comic for now, because we are doing family things for Christmas Eve. Zoe and Keren are playing Battleship and I’m playing Don’t Starve Together with Ekko. In the background is 80s music. It’s awesome! 😀
And yes, I photoshopped those symbols onto the girls shirts. I was going to custom make them, but I didn’t get it done in time. Next year, I will. 😀
I hope your Christmas is filled with love! ^_^

Yesterday, I talked about knitting slippers. I finished them and was finally able to give them to my friend Muriel. She turned 94. If you wish to see a picture, I posted one on my facebook wall! (No login required)
Finished a slipper last night. Hope to finish the other one today. Fortunately, slippers are the easiest things to knit! Well, other than scarves… or squares.