Comic #712 – “Train!!”

There’s a picture of me on my facebook with this train. It’s pretty awesome. We had to take the subway to get to this train and it was the first leg in our journey to get to Niseko in time for Christmas Eve.

This whole time difference thing is really confusing for me. I never know if I’ve missed a comic or not because I don’t know what day it is.

Comic #711 – “Flight to Sapporo”

Alana and Emma were up north skiing, so we were travelling to them. I was expecting something small because it was a short flight. But the plane was a Boeing 777 or something like that. There were two aisles and three sets of rows. Good grief.

And after an hour of flying we had to turn around and fly back. And thus starts our long trek to the north.

Comic #709 – “Subway Map”

It’s Christmas Even! Well, for us, it’s almost Christmas, because we are in the FUTURE! I probably should have a Christmas comic. But then that would interrupt the arc. Hmmm…what to do.

Sorry this comic is late, we arrived at our destination today really late. You’ll hear more of it later.