I am desperately trying not to take a nap here, but I’m so exhausted. 😀 There was wifi in the taxi we took to get to my brother-in-law’s place (where we’re staying) but could I get wifi in the airport itself? No. It said there was signal, but it didn’t work.
Oh yes, I’m posting a buttload of pics on social media. If you follow me there, you will see all the pics. 😀

Currently, it is 6:40am EST. In Japan, it’s 8:40pm. I’m in the FUTURE! And I’m exhausted but it’s amazing! Apologies to those of you who know me on facebook and instagram. There will be an insane amount of pics.

I hate being late for things. I would happily sit for an hour or more if it means I’m not late. 😀

This is it folks. The Elumirs are going on vacation tomorrow!

I wonder if she’s doing a paper on World War II. I should read it.