My glasses broke a long time ago and I’ve been wearing my backup ones for a while. It was good to get new glasses.
And I have no idea where those stores are. I don’t even know what IQ Living sells. It sounds like it should be a store that sells cool puzzle games.

The character Manpans chose was quite strong. We tried to avoid her most of the times.

Most legacy games allow you to name things. I liked my names when we played Charterstone (a game I loved, btw).

As your character dies, you start up with a new one with a new name. My final name was the best one ever. Also, I really don’t know what everyone’s names were. This was close enough.

I probably should have explained a bit more what a needle stick was. I forget it may not be as prominent in other’s vocabulary as it is in ours. Oh well, there’s google.