She just comes out and says things I never expect. It’s pretty awesome.

He may not have said Hockey Sushi. But it sure sounded like it. And hey, maybe the sushi there is amazing. To be honest, I’m not even a huge fan of sushi. I tend to go for the bento boxes. Or the ramen. Mmmm…

My comic is like a split personality. Oh, and I’m wrong. I thought I was only two weeks behind. Ha ha. I’m so wrong. I didn’t realize we were so far into October. *sigh*

If anyone wants to know, we were really into the K-Drama Terius Behind Me, and now we’re watching Dr. Stone.

There was a TV show called Hawaii Five-O. The “O” is pronounced “OH”. Why is the five spelled out, but not the “o”? These are thoughts I have when I was trying to figure out how to spell “Five-O” for Keren.