Leezet Spoilers

You know, one of the reasons I haven’t posted anything was because I wasn’t too sure what the next few comics would be. I have a couple of one-offs, but they required a bit of work and I was stalling.

And then I started the toilet roll thing, because I’ve been wanting to do this one for a bit. Of course, in my head, that was a one-off as well. It wasn’t an arc.

And then, because I had so many comics to catch up on, it became an arc. Good thing too. Ha!


I remember in high school we would play those games where we were not allowed to say certain words (like “yes”, “no”, etc) and if you did, you lost your pin to a person who caught you. And whoever had the most pins in the end won!

I suck at those games. The point is just not saying anything. I’m not good at that.


I know there are Ned fans out there (I’m looking at you, Escape This Podcast), but I’m not one of them. He’s boring, useless, and really has nothing to add to the series other than fulfilling an archaic idea that Nancy needs a man.

Do the Hardy Boys have girlfriends? No! So Nancy doesn’t need a boyfriend! Especially not Ned!

However, if Nancy were to go out with someone, I say Joe. He’s hilarious. 😀 At least in the video games he is. Joe in the old 70s show is pretty cringey. Frank, on the other hand, is always uptight in the show and the games.