
This is a comic that doesn’t translate well from real life, but oh well. There was a lot of in this conversation, and it wasn’t just me trolling her. Poor Leezet. In the end, I showed her how to change Zoom back so it’s not mirrored. Or is mirrored. I actually forget what she liked and didn’t like.

And also, I’m caught up. I’ve been working on a number of things, but a lot of it is done now, and I’m on vacation to work on projects! So hopefully I can keep this up to date! Hopefully.


One of the main reasons I do online escape rooms with my sister is all the fun we have. Well, I know I’m having fun. Manpans is having fun because it’s not her getting trolled.

Never Send

I didn’t think the book was a present for me, so I didn’t read the blurb, or the synopsis, or anything.

It still sits here, and I don’t know why. There’s a good chance someone did tell me and I forgot.

Shocking Reveal

I don’t know if that quote at the end is familiar to anyone. It’s based on a guy whom I remember listening to on the radio station when we would do trips in the car.

I don’t know if the guy was local, or international, or what, but he would have long interesting stories and it would always end on that quote.

I guess I could look it up.

Check the Comic

I’m not great at working and talking at the same time. If the work was strictly art, or something, then I may be able to do it with my DOS-like brain. But if it’s something I need to write? I can’t talk at the same time.