Zoe and I have a lot of similarities. She and I both get bitten by mosquitos, while Ekko and Keren don’t. It’s so weird.

My body shuts down when there’s no power. In the past, when I went up to my in-laws, they had no internet. I started to sleep 12 hour days. It was weird, I just slept and slept. Ha ha ha. I have a problem.

For the transcript, I went to the May 2nd comic to copy and paste the first two panels. I think it took me longer to do that than if I were to write it out myself. My site is broke in so many ways. I don’t even know how to go about fixing it. *sigh*

We go through a lot of mangos.

It stars my favourite actor: So Ji-sub. I don’t know why, he just is. But we both really love this series.