I was going to do a bunch of comics all at once, and not have the cliffhanger that I did. And then, out went the internet. Good grief.

Huzzah! We are doing okay! Keren needed to get tested because of doctor’s orders. Fortunately, she was okay. Of course, as a nurse, she needs to go back to work.

Sorry, I was going to catch up on all the comics, but then my internet gave out. Hopefully, I can catch up on them today and not leave people with a cliff hanger. 😀

Yippee! The transcript works! How cool is that? And Friday I broke my consecutive-days-not-outside record. Sadness.

Oooh, there’s this part called Transcript now. Was that always there? I hope it works.
And yes, I haven’t posted in awhile, because I wanted to find out the results of the test.