Those bunnies eat all sorts of things. Why do they have to eat my lettuce? We have all sorts of moldy fruit for them to munch on. I kid. The fruit’s mine as well. We make sure to eat it before it gets moldy.

We’ve been watching a bunch of shows that are on their first season, and then we are always wanting more. In the end, I figured I would watch a longer anime knowing that it’s going to end and there will be a lot of episodes we can watch.

Admittedly, I can’t remember how the meme went. I’m pretty sure it was put more succinctly than that.

Yes, I may have ignored Keren’s plea, but in reality, this was outside when it happened. I quickly went inside though. Didn’t want to risk getting too much environment.

I always sneeze in triplets. I don’t know why. It just happens. My work notices it. My family notices it. I’m a really loud sneezer.