
I learned from Bewitched that neighbours come by and ask for a cup of sugar! What’s up with asking for things like parsley?!

Also, I have a hard time spelling parsley. I keep wanting to spell it as “parsely”.


The wedding in question was during the time when I went on a three month hiatus, which was about this time in 2019. So my Baileys consumption wasn’t fully explored in comic form. I need more Baileys espresso shots in my life. That was awesome.

And although not mentioned, I’m talking to Kham in this comic. He’s one of the people spearheading the KPop dance classes!

Method Work Parties

I’m the one that trains all the new people at Method, and our training goes for a few days. It’s weird not meeting people in real life, so it was great to meet up finally! And yes, I’m a social butterfly, if you couldn’t tell.