
The reasons I didn’t to skip ahead to current day is because I needed to keep track of Zoe’s acquisition of boy! It happened after reading week. She didn’t to be around when I found out.

Forgive Me

At the moment, I’m currently on vacation in Germany. Yes, that will be a comic. I sure hope I can remember what happens. I should write it down. But I’m not. Maybe I should write it down here. But then… spoilers.

Let’s see, washing machine, windows, to each their own, german sandwiches… I won’t remember what these means. I know it.

Five Months

Not much more to add to this. I still won’t skip the months to the actual posting of this comic (July 29th, 2023), however, I eventually will. There are a few things that happen that I need to put in before I jump to current day!


If anyone knows me, I hate doing tedious things in an escape room.

I hate it with a passion.

Unless, of course, I don’t HAVE to do it.

Then I can do tedious things all day.