I didn’t realize that yesterday and today’s comic pretty much repeats the comics I did back in September, 2022.
Back then, we were split up into 3 and 1, and Keren sat alone. And, when I saw Lolo, I asked where mom was. I’m sure when we go to Calgary again, it will be the exact same thing. Maybe on those days, I’ll just reference these comics and call it a day.

In the end, everyone leans on me.

To be honest, I forgot I wrote about this ‘Keegs’ condition in the May 3rd comic. I only remembered because I wanted to see what Zoe wrote in the DM when she first mentioned this.

At least I didn’t call it a ‘mobile’. Or is calling ‘cell’ worse? I wouldn’t know.

You know, I should refrain from creating those long joke comics. These comics I can spit out quickly. Those comics take me so long to do.