I probably should have done this when I was talking to Leezet so you all knew it was me talking and not someone else. Of course, I was worried whether or not people would be able to tell who was who when the hoods were up.
Manpans says it was no problem at all.

People came on different nights, so they gave a tour every night. Since it was our second night, we could go straight to our teepee or whatever hill we chose! I, of course, had ample interest in these heated seats.
Also, you may be happy to know that tomorrow’s comic is already created and scheduled. Huzzah!

I know I sound like a grumpers, but I did have a fun time up there!
(And we also had local food.)

I napped a lot on this trip. 😀 I blame the cold.

Whoa. I caught up to today. Look at that. I would like to say that this arc is almost done, but it isn’t. There isn’t much happening other than board game playing, and more time with the Keegs, and Zoe coming down with Maya and… you know, there’s a lot of stuff I’m missing out on.
Oh well, if you haven’t read since the eleventh, here’s a link to April 12th.