We love this show. It’s a Korean comedy show and we kill ourselves every time we watch. There are a lot of Korean tropes we don’t understand, as well as some parodies we don’t understand, but we laugh our guts out every time. It’s amazing.
Character: Ekko
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
Comic #793 – “Traffic”
Comic #789 – “What do you like?”
I wanted to make a comic something like this yesterday. But then I thought it was too obvious. So I decided to make the joke more subtle.
No one got it.
I need to beta test my comics, or at least do them when I’m not sleep deprived. Maybe I should do a series of comics where the punchline is super subtle and people have to work at it.
Of course, a joke which you need to explain is no longer funny. Webcomics are hard.