Ekko can do non stop gaming. The others, not so much…
Character: Ekko
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
Comic #506 – “Requests”
Comic #501 – “Podcast Times”
Comic #498 – “After Dinner”
Yes, my children mock me too.
In fact, my wife has been receiving a number of comments on how they find the “YouTube Sensation” hilarious. I didn’t see the subtitle of this website change either, until Manpans couldn’t NOT tell me anymore. Thanks, Brian, for changing that.
There was an eye roll in that last sentence, if you couldn’t tell.
Comic #497 – “A Bit Nervous”
I like Manpans because she brings a bit of humanity to the comic.
A lot of people like the ‘deep’ webcomics, and this one doesn’t really go too deep. I talk about eggs, escape rooms, totoro, spoiled children. Of course, you never know where life will take us, but for now, it’s still pretty silly.
However, Manpans brings the touch of normality to an otherwise Anime like family. ^_^