Ekko sent me an email detailing this comic, and then at the end she just signs off with “Ekko is Awesome!”
I could have done the actual comic, but this was far more amusing for me. 😀
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
This was my conversation with Ekko on the phone as I was walking to the gym. I took a late lunch because of work meetings, and on my lunch, I go to the gym. At least… I’ve started doing it again. My legs are sore.
Anyway, I can never get information from my children.
So, can you do me a favour? Can you comment and tell me how you found this comic?
I’m going to be in so much trouble…. oh boy.
I couldn’t help myself. Got to the last panel, and boom.
They start school today, btw. Zoe’s in Grade 6 and Ekko’s in Grade 9! Good grief!!
Last night, we had the final beta test for our Speakeasy Theatrical Live Escape Event. It went well! I am so excited! Huzzah!