I went to Omescape last night with EscRoomAddict folks (I forgot to wear my T-Shirt), and I was hoping to get a comic done in ten minutes because I had to leave.
But no comics I could do quickly came to mind.
And then this happened at dinner. The funny thing, Zoe was too busy interrupting Ekko to even hear what I said so I needed to repeat it.
Then she threw something at me. And then more talking. And then she said she was more accomplished.
I have to condense all of that into four panels. You miss out on a lot of good stuff, sadly.
You may have noticed that things are becoming more lax with regards to time. Sorry about that. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually struggling trying to keep up. Crazy times. I think the last time I may have felt this pressed was when we did the musical and I had two webcomics to put out.
I am part of a super supportive team though, so I’ve been dumping stuff on them, poor guys. They’re awesome though! ^_^
I was texted by my children and then also grilled by them when they met up with me at church…
Cousin Jar was in Toronto for work so he came over for dinner. And then we went out to a restaurant where my cousin Memes works.
We had a great time talking about Anime, games, comics, Star Wars, San Diego Comiccon, everything!
That’s why the comic was late today.
Ok, not really. I was up playing Terraria with Ekko after that. It’s her fault.
Besides, who checks it at 8am on a Saturday morning? Stats show that people don’t check the comics as much on the weekends…
She’s home! We played some Terraria last night. We got her a drill mount. It allows us to mine faster. We love our drill mounts…