Now, I don’t know if Manpans was ever worried about letting things slip, because I never noticed anything. However, I would troll her just for random things, so I’m hoping in one of my many trolling episodes, she would have worried about me catching on to her secrets. 😀
And I’ve finally finished off 2022. Sheesh. This is taking me forever to catch up! 😀
I don’t think the arc on getting new phones was out by the time this happened. Or maybe it was.
I don’t use Canadian Tire enough to have any. I don’t even know the last time I saw one.
By the way, it seems I need to upgrade in order to share my comics automatically to other social media sites. And since I rarely use social media, and the Facebook share was broken, I’ve turned it off for now.
RSS still works though.
Obviously, I wasn’t around when these conversations were happening. So I had to ask Manpans for eyewitness accounts!
I don’t even know why I went into so much detail explaining this to Randy.