Comic #52 – “Farewell Concert”

For any reader that has no idea, I used to be part of geek band called Debs & Errol. Our farewell concert is tonight, because we have disbanded. I utterly loved that band. I will miss it a lot, and I will miss being with Debs. She was my opposite, and made the band more legit. It’s not that Debs and I won’t be friends any more, but there is a close friendship you get when you are someone’s band mate. I will miss the band, and I will miss her.

Comic #51 – “Bento”

MNE_20150306_051This is hard to capture in a comic. If you want to know what this was like, you have to ask Manpans. She was there. She witnessed the whole insanity of the Elumir joy.

And if you have no idea what this is about, that’s ok. You aren’t supposed to. Who really understands the minds of children anyway?

Comic #50 – “False King”

MNE_20150305_050First off, I don’t become king of anything, although I think it’s sweet that my daughters think very highly of me.

EscapistTO was asked to do an interview with some journalist students, and he doesn’t like interviews and sent them to me. Manda and I talked their ear off. It was better though than the last interview I had about LEGO stop motion animation. Whoo boy, I talked to that poor man for two hours straight.