1. Bad phone conetsun.
    I don’t know how to spell that.
    P.s. make me taller!!!! Also I’m 13.

  2. Is this the place where I can make comic content comments, or am I only allowed to make comic comment comments? If I make a comic content comment, does it have to be in the form of a comic comment, or a comment comic? What kind of content is allowed in a comic comment? Would you be content with a comic comment without content? How committed can my comment be? If I commit a comic content comment catastrophe, will I be cast off the comment cast? Will my character be compromised if my comment is catty, not comic? Can catty comments be corrected quickly, and can I cancel comment content if careful consideration concludes they are catty, not comic.
    Come what may, consider my chronicled contribution without qualifications for clarity or quality.

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