I was running low on mangoes and eggs. So the food was tempting.
↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: You hungry, Manpans?
Manpans: No, not really.
Panel 2 -
Errol: There's food on this table, if you want it.
Manpans: Um...wasn't that there yesterday?
Panel 3 -
Errol: This whole week, in fact. I'm pretty sure it's still good.
Manpans: Um, no. You can have it.
Panel 4 -
Errol: No. I'm on a diet.
Manpans: Your diet restricts week-old moldy food? How barbaric.
Errol: You hungry, Manpans?
Manpans: No, not really.
Panel 2 -
Errol: There's food on this table, if you want it.
Manpans: Um...wasn't that there yesterday?
Panel 3 -
Errol: This whole week, in fact. I'm pretty sure it's still good.
Manpans: Um, no. You can have it.
Panel 4 -
Errol: No. I'm on a diet.
Manpans: Your diet restricts week-old moldy food? How barbaric.
Turnovers would not last that long in my house.
In our house it would depend on the turnover (homemade vs. store bought)
Home-made ones definitely get eaten faster. We had store-bought ones at the time.
Chips don’t last long in ours. 😀
Chips sometimes don’t survive the day they arrive in our house 🙂
Food doesn’t always get moldy after a week.
Especially with the preservatives they put in those sugary baked goods!
“Hmmm…should I throw this moldy food away?”
“Nah, I can troll ManPans with it.”