Huzzah! Happy New Years! We were in Uxbridge last night at a friend’s house! The girls watched Sherlock and we played games! It was awesome. What did you do?

Poor Leezet. I hope she can eventually find them. And two people in Calgary responded. I met Naomi through NaNoWriMo, but she is working. And Eric owns Escape Capers YYC! I don’t know if they are going to the same place, but we will find her friends!

If you’re wondering what this is about, it’s a continuation of yesterday’s comic! Help Leezet find a friend!

I THINK I have all the details correct. Leezet will correct me. If you want to see Sherlock with my seestair, she’s willing to take someone with her so she’s not lonely! Her husband and daughter aren’t interested in going, and neither are her two friends.

And today, we’re off to see Doctor Who Christmas Special in the theatres! We’re so excited!! ^_^ Manpans bought the Elumirs tickets for Christmas!!