This arc is done! I don’t know what the arc will be tomorrow. Darn it, I knew I should written things down.

I call Leezet the most when I’m in the car. I haven’t been driving much, though.

When I was teenager, we used to go cruising down main street on the weekends. Of course, it only took about 10 minutes to drive since I lived in a small town, so we would just loop the same route over and over again. There wasn’t much to do in my town.

I have sweatpants that my wife bought me! But they’re in the wash. So I’ve been wearing hers since she’s been at work for the last few days. I like them a lot! The children… not so much.

I’ve started to share the webcomic on my facebook wall. I never did that before because I didn’t want to clog people’s feed.
Still, one new person was appreciative! Huzzah! So I’ll continue to do so until I forget. 😀 We all know how that’s going to work out.