I wonder if there is a default template I can use because I have to type in the “transcript” tag in order for it to show. I always forget to type it in! Good grief.
Anwyay, a long Mike gave us a karaoke machine for me to live up to my Filipino potential. It was great to pull it out again! Great for us, anyway. Not so much for Zoe. We sang for three hours.

Anyone out there use the transcript? I’ll still keep doing it, but I wanted to know if anyone was using it! ^_^

I think I have more readers than normal. Debbie Ridpath-Ohi probably helped with that by her tweeting. And I still haven’t gotten around to fixing the broken social links on the site. Oh well.

I wonder what Zoe does in the house all day when we’re not there.

I normally don’t write the script out before I do the comic. I just type everything in as I create the comic. However, because of the transcript, I now write everything out. That sure helps for things like planning, and also catching mistakes. Kind of. I made a spelling mistake a few days ago. Oh well!