Montreal and taking the train to Montreal is awesome. I don’t see how she wouldn’t want to do that! Although, I wouldn’t be able to program as easily on a train (I need a big monitor).

I honestly don’t know what teenage girls do when they get together. Tik tok makes me believe they just do dances together. Who knows?

I know I’m weird for not wanting to be outside, but hey, I can exist for long periods of time without leaving my house. Most of what I want is here! You must know someone else like that! Or is it just me?

In reality, I couldn’t finish my sentence. I was laughing so hard because I was so pleased with myself for foiling Keren’s plans, and it got to that ridiculous point where I couldn’t stop laughing even though it wasn’t funny. Children weren’t impressed.

Keren and Ekko like making all sorts of meals from scratch. I can understand why they want me to eat more, although it’s really to make sure I break my diet.