Everyone’s now lost their streak with me! Although, I think I lost it with Joe and Ekko, so those were my fault.

The good thing here is we don’t often have pork belly in the house. It’s tempting though. Right now, I do have leftover pork belly in the fridge, and it’s taking all of my strength not to eat it.

I know I’m extremely behind in comics, so I’m starting to go through my backfill scripts I wrote down. Some of them are hard to understand again.

To think, I thought Calvin and Hobbes would be one of those classic comics. Alas.

Usually, KDramas run for sixteen episodes and then they’re done. Each episode is about an hour, but for Prison Playbook, they went for an hour and a half, or a bit more than that. We couldn’t squeeze in two episodes in the evening, so a cliffhanger was brutal! I’d have to wait a whole day! ^_^