There will be a day when Zoe is not embarrassed about her parents, but mildly bemused. That will be a sad day.

If Zoe did have a boyfriend, I’m pretty sure I won’t find out for a long time.

I’m trying to get these out quickly, so no image for boyfriend Nat. Zoe doesn’t want Daniella to know about these comics anyway.

Funny thing, at the time I posted this (Dec 4, 2022) Keren is visiting Zoe right now. I figured I should catch up with comics.
It’s killing me though, I’m missing out on meeting more of Zoe’s prens.

You know, since I never release on time, I wonder how all of you read this comic? You just jump on and then go back until you start seeing something you recognize? I really should look into making this thing more user-friendly. But I don’t know how.