Comic #497 – “A Bit Nervous”


I like Manpans because she brings a bit of humanity to the comic.

A lot of people like the ‘deep’ webcomics, and this one doesn’t really go too deep. I talk about eggs, escape rooms, totoro, spoiled children. Of course, you never know where life will take us, but for now, it’s still pretty silly.

However, Manpans brings the touch of normality to an otherwise Anime like family. ^_^

Comic #494 – “Victoria Day”


We went out to our local park, but all the field lights were on and a soccer game was going on.

We went back home.

And then we heard more fireworks noises and immediately went back out into the car and searched for fireworks.

We found some eventually at another park.

On the way home, there was a family shooting it out of their yard.

Finally, I was able to get home and work on the comic. 😀