One time, I was about ten rows back from the kids. It was glorious. Such peace and quiet…
Character: Keren
Keren is married to Errol, some wonder if under duress. She is the mother of Ekko and Zoe. She is a nurse and a saint.
Comic #125 – “Airport Security”
Comic #123 – “Calgary”
Comic #121 – “Survive”
Comic #118 – “Bread”
Poor Manpans. She’s not feeling well. She had to skip out on Puzzled Pint.
Oh, do you know what was cool? Last night, I met TWO teams from Puzzle Hunt! I met “Just Roo It” and “Golden Hawk”! That was super cool!
And I would have talked their ear off about puzzles, but they were saved because, I had to do another escape room with Mike and Manpans at Roundabout! ^_^