Poor Manpans. She’s not feeling well. She had to skip out on Puzzled Pint.
Oh, do you know what was cool? Last night, I met TWO teams from Puzzle Hunt! I met “Just Roo It” and “Golden Hawk”! That was super cool!
And I would have talked their ear off about puzzles, but they were saved because, I had to do another escape room with Mike and Manpans at Roundabout! ^_^
Honestly, I don’t know anything about flowers. I think tulips are yellow.
Ok, the flowers I got aren’t yellow. They have a tulip shape!
I think. I have no idea what tulips look like either.
Happy Mother’s Day! Huzzah! I probably should call my mom…
On Wednesday, Zoe had her spring concert. Today, she has her gymnastics competition. Busy week!
This is, of course, in reference to Zoe’s comment yesterday.