Comic #19 – FAWM.ORG

I should be writing songs. I haven’t been. I did a buffer of comics though, that’s awesome!

And you know what? We can’t play Nancy Drew for the next two days! Or at least, for today. That means I could write a song tonight! Maybe. Or work on comics. Or work on my EscRoomAddict. We now do beta testing and room analysis reports. Yes, we do, I’m not even kidding. We go in and help consult on the rooms. We’re so weird.

Comic #18 – Video Perk

Yesterday, Debs & Errol did a song cover for Ren. It’s a leftover perk from one of our crowdfunding campaigns.

It only took me three takes. JUST THREE! Every time we do a video live, I always screw up. I like lip-synching, but Debs doesn’t, so we just do things live. I usually have to do it nine or ten times because I keep screwing up. BUT NOT THIS TIME! BWAHAHAHAHA!

So happy. ^_^

You know what else I have noticed? I keep forgetting to put my sig in. *sigh*

Comic #17 – Revolt

The kids aren’t amused when they’re not in the comic. I’ve created monsters. Now all they do is give me suggestions on comics. It never ends.

And am I up late again? Yes. I was playing Nancy Drew with the girls, and we finished off one of them finally! And then we started another! Hah, this one also has the Hardy Boys as guests. So far, they seem useless.

You know, I should run a poll on the next character! Should it be

1) Keren
2) Lizette

I’m scared to put in other suggestions…

Comic #12 – Manpan Cave

MNE_20150126_012Manpans lives in her Manpan Cave which has video games, hot chocolate, and Wheatley love.

She also has the big screen TV which we’ve hooked up our Wii U to.

She too is a huge fan of adventures games, so my laptop is also hooked up to her TV, and we are playing through as many Nancy Drew games as we possibly can. I still have about, oh, ten or more to go.

And when the children aren’t around, then Manpans and I get to play Mass Effect 2. Of course, the children are rarely not around so back to Nancy Drew we go.

This has made my creative life a bit more challenging. I wonder what I will do when FAWM hits? I don’t plan on doing too much with FAWM since it’s my anniversary and also Family Day, but I do want to put out a couple of songs. Who knows, maybe I’ll write a very sad goodbye song for our Farewell concert.

Btw, one thing I do like about this plug in is the ability to have an automatic cast page. I probably should figure the archives out, but, ugh. I want it to be like the archives of Rock, Paper, Cynic, but that requires coding of some sort.