Comic #5


First off, I’ve read your comments about the mouseovers. Sorry about that, I will fix it. I don’t think that the field that allows the hover text works in blog posts. Blargh.

Another suggestion I had was to put titles for the comics. Why haven’t I done that? The real reason was because it was hard. It was getting to the point in the D&E comics that I wasn’t too sure if I was repeating comic titles. So, to bypass that, I just didn’t put any titles in this comic. I’m lazy.

And I haven’t said much about D&E or the breakup, have I? I don’t really intend to talk that much about it, but it was part of my life for the last three years, and all of you readers are here because of D&E, so it will creep up from time to time. ^_^

Comic #3

I should put up a survey or something because I want the comic to be easy to read for you folk. Should it be vertical? Horizontal? Four panels in a square? I don’t know! What do you think? I’m in for all sorts of discussion on how this is laid out!

And yes, with this reboot, I am married.

Comic #1

This is it, the first comic of My Neighbor Errol. First off, I wasn’t expecting it to be today, so this site is under construction without the 1990’s gif of blinking red light on that wooden horse thingy. I guess I’ll have some work to do on the weekend.

This will once again be daily. I guess that means less Nonograms and Nancy Drew for me.