Do you know about sniff kissing?

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Keren: Girls, we're going to see Lola.
Ekko: She's got COVID!
Zoe: Are we walking?

Panel 2 -
Keren: We are leaving tomorrow so we should say goodbye. And yes, we're walking.
Ekko: I'll need my mask.
Zoe: Why do we walk so much?

Panel 3 -
Keren: I'll get it.
Errol: Don't worry, Ekko. She'll be inside and we'll say goodby outside. There will be no sniffage.
Ekko: Will Lola survive without sniffing us?

Panel 4 -
Ekko: Ha ha, people who don't know what we're talking about will think this comic's so weird.
Errol: True. We totally passed off as normal before this.

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