To be fair, I do the same thing. When I’m happy, like when I debug a problem I have in Unity, then I go and find my wife to give her a hug because I’m so happy. Poor woman probably wants a break from me.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Zoe, you're going to be really happy. Ekko downloaded anime on Crunchyroll for our upcoming roadtrip.

Panel 2 -
Ekko: I guess that's nice? I can download on Netflix then?
Errol: Ekko and I can watch anime in the car on the way up.

Panel 3 -
Zoe: K.
Errol: Think on it.

Panel 4 -
Zoe: OHH!!!
Errol: There you go. You get the front seat.

Panel 5 -
Errol: What the— Why does the stupid rabbit get credit?

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