Maybe Leezet is used to people who go along with things even though they harbour resentment about the current choice. I’m not the type who would suffer minor conveniences for Leezet’s sake. 😀

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Leezet: Do my work meetings bother you?
Errol: No.

Panel 2 -
Leezet: But you have meetings too!
Errol: We're fine.

Panel 3 -
Leezet: Are they too loud?
Errol: No.

Panel 4 -
Leezet: But the meetings are two to three hours!
Errol: Your issue. Not mine.

Panel 5 -
Leezet (offscreen): But I'm taking up your space!
Errol is not looking pleased.

Panel 6 -
Errol: Are you missing Choy? Do you have an incessant need to badger someone?!
Leezet: I'll move upstairs then!

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