Comic #260 – “Morning Dances”

MNE_20151001_260Ekko was upset she missed the Plue dance yesterday morning. She should get up earlier!

And Plue doesn’t actually say “Ploooo”. I have no idea WHAT he says. I’ve even listened to it and don’t know how to repeat it…

You can search for Plue Dance on youtube, but it won’t make things any clearer, that’s for sure…

Comic #259 – “Roles Given”

MNE_20150930_259Hmmm, this was done on chat. I usually have the green background with the quotation mark to indicate chat, but I didn’t do that because I was worried about my computer dying on me in the middle of things.

Oh dear, now that I think of it, I will have to figure out how to do both the comics…maybe I should just get a new computer. 🙂

Comic #258 – “Typecast”

MNE_20150929_258My computer is giving me problems. My windows machine, which is still XP, has something wrong with the explorer.exe. It keeps crashing and I have to reboot.

And then I found out WordPress has problems sending passwords when registering new users. I had to put in a quick fix in the php files to make it work (they didn’t have any <a href> tags in there)

Huzzah technical support! I don’t know what I’m going to do with my windows machine. It’s the computer that makes all the comics…

Comic #256 – “Project Prep”

MNE_20150927_256This weekend has been busy. Watched some anime with my girls and then went out with Keren. Last night, went to see Trevor Noah (comedian) and he was hilarious. We also went apple picking. Well, I didn’t go apple picking. I just sat in the car.

And today, have a birthday party I am attending!

And I called my mom. Well, my mom called when I was talking to my sister, so we went on a group call. Her birthday is on the 29th. I remember now…