Before the pandemic, Margaux got “The Crew” for us, which is a co-op trick taking game. It’s a lot of fun!

The only film we could fit into the time we had was only available in IMAX. I wasn’t too sure what the difference was between it and a normal theatre other than the sound. It was so loud! Now I feel old.

When my mom would do this, I would get so embarrassed.

Good thing about these trips is it gives me something to write comics on. It’s pretty hard to come up with topics for the comic if all one does is sit in their house all day!

As I mentioned before, it’s a long weekend for us, which is great, because it’s getting harder to find weekends where all of us are free for two days in a row (sometimes Ekko or Keren works on the Saturday or Sunday). We took this opportunity to book a short staycation at a hotel!