I’ve been writing all these comics, and I still haven’t listened to this song. I probably should.

I had to look this up, but is the “moon” capitalized in this instance? Normally, if it’s followed by a ‘the’, it’s not supposed to be? Think? However, I’m referring to Earth’s moon, so is it capitalized? These are hard questions.

You know, it’s also surprising that Zoe is asking me about this. Or maybe, it’s more that Maya and Zoe want to broach the subject more Cheryl, and I just happened to be there.
Oh, Keren’s not around because she’s at work. Although, this was talked about briefly with Keren and I when we all went out for Pho.

I’m doing a disservice to Kamayan food here. It’s not normally filled with all of that. Usually there’s a lot of seafood and it’s all yummy! Still, Filipinos seem to find the unhealthiest ways to serve pork… and it’s so good.

This is why it’s not that big of a deal no one tells me anything: I won’t be scolded if I forget.
And yes, this happened. I racked my brain for minutes and came up with nothing. Sheesh.