Comic #6

Have you ever noticed that when you watch anime, or manga, that all the characters are pretty much the same shade but have insane hair and clothes? Unless they’re alien.

Well, in the past, I figured to keep the Errol character pretty much the same shade as everyone else because it was simpler that way when I needed to swap body parts. However, in this reboot, I figured I would try and make the character look a bit more like me. I’m still not pleased with him, but heck, he’s a bit closer now than he was before. I’ll probably change all my gravatars and stuff now.

Anyway, yay diversity!

And it’s #TotoroTuesday! HUZZAH!

Comic #5


First off, I’ve read your comments about the mouseovers. Sorry about that, I will fix it. I don’t think that the field that allows the hover text works in blog posts. Blargh.

Another suggestion I had was to put titles for the comics. Why haven’t I done that? The real reason was because it was hard. It was getting to the point in the D&E comics that I wasn’t too sure if I was repeating comic titles. So, to bypass that, I just didn’t put any titles in this comic. I’m lazy.

And I haven’t said much about D&E or the breakup, have I? I don’t really intend to talk that much about it, but it was part of my life for the last three years, and all of you readers are here because of D&E, so it will creep up from time to time. ^_^

Comic #4

Allo all! I know that the vertical format is a bit clunky, but I did like what DZ said, and it is far better for mobile. I still need to figure out the site theme, but I like this one. And I like the font too! Huzzah! I was working on the site for most of the day on Saturday. Blargh.

And yes, I do hope to have Sunday as a comic too! ^_^

For those that are new to this webcomic, and honestly, I doubt any of you are, this is Kari Maaren. I met her as a fellow geek musician and she has a webcomic too!

Kari: Errol is clearly never going to lose an opportunity to throw my pedantry back in my face.

Comic #3

I should put up a survey or something because I want the comic to be easy to read for you folk. Should it be vertical? Horizontal? Four panels in a square? I don’t know! What do you think? I’m in for all sorts of discussion on how this is laid out!

And yes, with this reboot, I am married.