In case you don’t remember, that was back in December.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (In Discord) -
Leezet: I'm in my course again today. Again, boring.

Panel 2 -
Leezet: Oooh! I just learned how to do a thumbs up! Woot woot.

Panel 3 -
Leezet: Oh my gosh. We're going through "What we learned" and they're picking people to ask. *!$#! The only thing I can think of is that I learned how to do a thumbs up.

Panel 4 -
Leezet: Oh my gosh. I tried to raise my hand and instead, I waved. I hate stupid Zoom.
Errol: You know, I bought you "Zoom for Dummies" for a reason.
Leezet: Shut up.

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