Comic #12 – Manpan Cave

MNE_20150126_012Manpans lives in her Manpan Cave which has video games, hot chocolate, and Wheatley love.

She also has the big screen TV which we’ve hooked up our Wii U to.

She too is a huge fan of adventures games, so my laptop is also hooked up to her TV, and we are playing through as many Nancy Drew games as we possibly can. I still have about, oh, ten or more to go.

And when the children aren’t around, then Manpans and I get to play Mass Effect 2. Of course, the children are rarely not around so back to Nancy Drew we go.

This has made my creative life a bit more challenging. I wonder what I will do when FAWM hits? I don’t plan on doing too much with FAWM since it’s my anniversary and also Family Day, but I do want to put out a couple of songs. Who knows, maybe I’ll write a very sad goodbye song for our Farewell concert.

Btw, one thing I do like about this plug in is the ability to have an automatic cast page. I probably should figure the archives out, but, ugh. I want it to be like the archives of Rock, Paper, Cynic, but that requires coding of some sort.

Comic #10 – Relentless

MNE_20150123_010Sorry about the tardiness of this comic, folks. We were having server issues last night, and I was so tired I went to bed.

Anyway, my children always want to be in the comic, but Zoe especially. In fact, I wanted to replicate how she always asks me by using the sticky notes in the comic as an example.

And now she’s taken a cue from those sticky notes and has started putting them up around the house herself. Heck, she even copied the font.

And from what I heard, Manpans gave her the sticky notes. Nice going, Manpans.

Anyway, on another note, as you know, I write for a site called Manpans, myself and Matt write reviews for Escape Rooms in Toronto. (I’m going to one tonight, in fact, with Mags.)

The thing is, we have gotten to know a lot of other escape room reviewers! There’s now a little community of us, hah!

One of them, Exit Games UK, knows about my flash videos. And I’m talking flash videos from over ten years ago. (If you must know, this is the third set of webcomics I’ve regenerated into).

Back in the day, I used to have a board games webcomic. And sometimes, I would make Crappy Flash Animation (CFA) because I had more time without children.

Thus, I am going to share with you something I am fully aware is low quality: my Crappy Flash Animation Archive.


Comic #9 – Meli’s Post

MNE_20150123_009Look how huge this comic is! It’s 600 pixels! Wow! On your screen, I’ve shrunk it to 300 but if you click on it, you will get it all in 600 glory. It’s large. I think I should probably make it wider but shorter or something. I dunno. Comics are hard.

And the post we’re talking about was from Meli on her blog: One week later: Farewell, Debs and Errol.

In fact, there have been a number of posts that are just amazing. Daniel wrote one on Pop Mythology, the geek band PDX Broadsides had one on their site, Manda wrote one on her blog, and Kari has one on her facebook page!

Were there more? Did I miss any? I know there were a few on FB, but I didn’t want to link to personal profiles. Oh man, I don’t know how I’m going to be at that concert. I am finding out that a lot of people are driving in from hours away!

It is terribly humbling, and I am so honoured that anyone would do that.

And now this webcomic may get mushy. I’ll try not to do that to you.

Comic #8 – WOW!

Who could it be? I guess time will tell.

Today was a comic I didn’t buffer. I need to buffer things, that’s handy. I will have time tomorrow. Last night, I went to see a movie with Mark, who I usually refer to as my guitarist. He made a few appearances in the D&E comic and played on a few songs in Songs in the Key of Geek. ^_^

We saw the Imitation Game and enjoyed it a lot! I wonder if my sister has seen it. She’ll probably be upset I got to see Cumberbatch on a screen before she did.

Comic #7

MNE_20150121Did I mention that we are having a farewell concert? Debs & Errol are doing their final farewell concert in March, and so far, we have 87 people going.

I was wondering if people would come, and so to see that many at least sign up made me all feely. (I mean, we all know on FB that ‘Yes’ means ‘Maybe’, but still).

I know I will have a few of the geek bands there that are willing to play, and…I don’t know what it’s going to be like.

Will I display more of my thoughts on this in the webcomic? Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just start talking about Mass Effect again. Who knows.

In the meantime, I will make slow fixes to this site. If there’s anything you really want, please state it in the comments and I will try and fix it!